Cedar Point Role Play

  • Sliding Doors - *Author’s Note:* *Years ago there was a film called Sliding Doors that starred Gwyneth Paltrow about a woman whose life goes in different but parallel dire...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Meetings and calls

[[Unfortunately since I am not on my regular computer, I had not set logging for my RP with Mrs Saigawa ... so I wrote this instead :-(]]

Adum Brate drove the cruiser into the parking lot of the Alexandra Police Station, parked it and walked in the side door.  He could hear the soft click of fingers on keyboards, as reports were typed out and the protection of Alexandra was put into a file to later be printed out as a hard copy.  Business as usual.

“Welcome back, Chief Brate!”

The voice was almost obnoxiously loud, high pitched and grating, yet Adum knew its owner was speaking in, for her, a modulated voice.  When he’d complained about it to a friend of his in Seattle, that friend had dubbed the voice ‘Long Island Loud’.  Adum then lost ten bucks in a bet when he doubted that the woman was from Long Island.  He was further amused to know that Mert, what Mertyl Payne prefered to be called, was Egyptian for silence.  But since hiring her, he had come to enjoy one aspect of such a loud and strong voice.  He knew who was around.

“Thank you, Mert.”  he replied, and paused at the receptionists desk to pick up any messages.  Four of them.  All from Ursula Norris complaining about the new family across the street.

Francis Sharp watched him from her position at the copier.  “So, is the new family a bunch of North Korean terrorists out to kill us all?”  She asked with an obvious grin on her face.

Adum snorted.  “Sorry.  They’re Japanese .. or half Japanese, anyway.  Mother, a toddler, a baby and a husband who comes and goes.”  He heard a slight chuckle behind him.  “Oh, shut up, Sam.”  he shakes his head.  That kid had a dirty mind.  “Didn’t meet the husband.  I’ll keep an eye out for him.”  he looks at the notes and then tosses them in the waste basket under the counter.  He headed for his office, where he found Josh Greene setting some papers on his desk.

“I thought you might be back.”  Josh said with a smirk.  “God, does she ever quiet down?”

Shaking his head, Adum sat behind his desk.  “Doubt it.”  He looks at the papers.  “It’s almost time to take Daisy to the vet for her twice annual physical.”

Daisy was Alexandra’s entire K-9 unit.  Adum and Josh were both trained to work with her, but she lived with Josh.

“You two have fun in Vancouver.”  Adum told him.  “Don’t party too hard.”

“I’ll leave my phone on, in case you need someone to cover your shift while you sleep in.”  Josh teased.

“One time, and that was an EMERGENCY, Josh.”  Adum rolled his eyes.

“Man, if my girlfriend looked like Megan I’d be late every chance I got.”

“Good thing Megan isn’t your girlfriend.”  Adum teased back.

The light on his desk top phone blinked and almost immediately the two men heard through the closed doors.  “Alexandra Police Department.  How may I direct your call.”  There was a pause, followed by “Of course, Mister Brate, I’ll put you right through.”

Josh arched his brows.  “Adam?”  He shook his head.  “Guess March is the month of Miracles this year.  See you later.”  He nods and leaves the office just as Adum picks up the phone.

“Hey Dad.”  he spoke to his father after going through Mertyl.  “What’s up?  I heard about the award in Atlanta.  You’re really taking off.”

“Thank you, son.”  Adam Brate sounded slightly tired, but incredibly happy.  “I have a new job … a renovation … Do you know if there any studio apartments available at the Parthenon?”

Adum raised his eyebrows.  “The job is HERE?”  He was a bit shocked.  “What’s being renovated?”  He wonders.

“The old Mongolian place burned down?  Well the mayor sold the plot and the new owner wants it renovated.  Should take me a few weeks, tops.”  Adam told him.  “And since you are wit Megan now, I don’t want to impose.  Have I told you how glad I was to get that news?”

“I do believe the words you used were ‘about fucking time boy’.  Good thing Mom’s gone, eh?”

“She liked Alison’s dowery.  I liked Megan’s personality.  Her father is a good man too..”  The senior Brate announced.

Adum blushed even though his father couldn’t see it.  “You could meet her when you come to do this job.”

There was a pause, and Adum guessed why even before Adam confessed.  “The apartment isnt for me, Adum.  I have a job to do in Florida.”

“Well, I knew once you finally got successful I’d have to make an appointment to see you.”  Adum admitted.  “At least you still call.”

His father laughed.  “And I always will, Adum.  You’re my son .. and now that you have a good woman in your life, I don’t have to avoid you like you have a social disease.”

Adum snorted.  “Well, keep calling.  Maybe you’ll be able to talk to Megan.  Next time shes on Alexandra.”  He paused and knew he may as well change the subject.  “So what is your team turning the old BBQ place into?”

“A recording studio, if you can believe that.  With an apartment on top of it.  Some small new album I’ve never heard of.  But they’re paying me a good wage to get the job done.”

Without saying ‘from Florida’, Adum smiled.  “Looking forward to meeting the new owner.  “Listen Dad, I gotta go.  This sleepy little town needs me.”

“Of course, of course.”  Adam said, hurriedly.  “We’ll talk next week, eh?”

“Sure, Dad.”  and Adum cut the connection and sat back.  Picking the receiver back up, Adum called Mert at the front desk.  “I’m not in, Mert.  Alright.”

“Sure, Chief.”  Mert replied so loudly, Adum heard it through his closed door.

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