Cedar Point Role Play

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lightening in the dark

After the RP @ http://ccharactercafe.blogspot.com/2016/09/hot-steamy-nights.html

Kagiso Jackson walked home without a backward glance. Opening and closing his door, he looked around his completely open concept apartment over the studios he worked in.


Not the guy who had gone screaming to the tabloids after a drunken duck, slamming the door to Aqoustic Spirit career in his face. No, not that ass hole. But the one night stand that had possibly been the beginning of the end. Before Gareth, Kagiso had never screwed a man in a hotel room. Stairways ... alleyways ... front and back seats of cars ... sure ... but not BEDS. And never overnight! But ... Gareth had been different ... They had both been drunk. They were in the lobby of his hotel and he had brought the man u to his room, really NOT intending sex .. or so he'd told himself. But that is what had happened. And in the morning, it was a rush to the door and out of his life. But it had been a risk. Perhaps the beginning of the end.

And now .... they meet again. In the same town ... in another club.

Gareth could have tried to extort money at any time, so Kagiso didn't think he was going to try now. But ... the offer of a tour of the studio ... and an impromptu song was genuine.

No question the sex HAD been THAT good. And could only have been better if they were both sober.

"Sheeit he probably forgot, too." he murmurs to himself as he undresses for bed.

But he forgot, even as he fell into a sleep. He had forgotten Gareth ... but had then remembered.

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